Friday 2/24/23

2023 astrology 2023 horoscopes astrology astrology memes February astrology 2023 learn astrology pluto Pluto in Aquarius 2023 zodiac signs

Moon in Taurus square Pluto in Capricorn 

The Sun in Pisces is connecting the dots of our recent experiences, finding the spiritual significance, and the lessons. We are releasing judgement we put on ourselves and others. The Moon in Taurus is craving comfort and security. Today would be a really good day to cut yourself some slack when it comes to the emotions Pluto may be bringing up.

The moon is squaring Pluto, (meaning our emotions and feelings are making challenging aspect to our inner transformation and shadow side) so there may be a feeling of aggravation with no apparent cause. Pluto is all things hidden and subconscious, so our compulsions and sensitivities will be right there on the surface to look at.

Meet your deeper needs today and don't let the impulsive, fast moving energy of Aries (with Jupiter and Venus) make you feel like you are not doing enough, or are not enough. You are so valued, important and needed in this world, don't you forget it! 

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